Time table module simplifies arranging complex scheduling for each division of the school. Organize unlimited classes by day of week and period. The main tasks of the time table module include:
Timetables for teacher: Generating timetable for the teacher according to their designated role, and subjects pertaining to the class and sections that they are assigned to.
Timetable for individual student or class is generated according the availability of the teacher and subject assigned to them or even according to the class teachers assigned to the class. This allows for proper planning and scheduling of the resources and breaks for teachers and students accordingly.
Timetable generation for the entire year is also automated with a number of options such as vacation, creative activities, planning of the next academic session and much more.
Scheduling through this module saves much time.
Daily attendance tracking and attendance data entry is made fast and simple in this module, attendance records can be entered by teachers or administrative support staff. These inputs could be by day, by period, by student or by class. Once the attendance is entered by the teacher the record is saved and viewable by the student, parent and administrator, the data once entered cannot be edited by any other than the administrator or the concerned teacher in order to keep a check on tampering of records and information.
To view the attendance the user has an option to either view it as daily, monthly or the entire semester/term’s attendance. This allows tracking and keeping a check on the individual’s attendance.
The same is viewable on the dashboard available on the homepage of the student either by the parent or student and by an employee login.